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23-24 Student/Parent/School Compact

Every Child – Every Need – Every Day

In order to achieve the highest level of success for every student, Keene ISD staff, in partnership with parents and
students, make this agreement to support, respect, challenge, and inspire each other as partners in education. To
empower each child to achieve his or her fullest potential to become a lifelong learner and responsible citizen, we
hereby sign this compact, accepting our responsibility to work together to support, encourage, and ensure that every
student will achieve to the best of their ability.

Student Agreement

Recognizing the importance of working to the best of my ability. I will strive to do the following:

  • To treat staff, peers, parents, and community with respect and dignity
  • To complete and turn in all required schoolwork and homework on time
  • Attend school regularly, arrive on time, and be ready and willing to learn
  • Follow school and class rules

Parent/Guardian Agreement

I want my child to achieve. Therefore, I will encourage him/her by doing the following:

  • To treat teachers, Principals, and other school staff with respect and dignity
  • Attend parent-teacher conferences and attend school functions while encouraging a positive attitude toward school
  • To ensure that the student attends school regularly, arrives on time, and to send a note when the student is absent
  • Be sure my child does their homework, by providing a place to study, establishing a time for doing homework, reviewing the homework regularly, and participating in the academic progress of my child

School Agreement

Striving to meet every need, of every child, every day, Keene ISD staff will:

  • To treat the parent and student with respect and dignity, while maintaining appropriate authority and discipline
  • Demonstrate care and concern for each student
  • Provide high quality curriculum in a supportive environment that enables the student to meet the State performance goals and become 21st century ready
  • Provide opportunities for parents to volunteer in the classroom or with other school related activities
To download and sign the Keene ISD 2023-2024 Student/Parent/School Compact, click here: